Notre équipe en Asie

Notre équipe projet

Christina Khoo


Christina Khoo

Managing Director Turningpoint Asia, Senior Executive Coach

Les analphabètes du XXIe siècle ne seront pas ceux qui ne savent ni lire ni écrire, mais ceux qui ne peuvent pas apprendre, désapprendre et réapprendre.

Shiela Cancino

Hong Kong

Shiela Cancino

Program Manager

Si vous ne pouvez pas nourrir cent personnes, alors nourrissez-en une seule.

Mariana Gardoce

Manille, Philippines

Mariana Gardoce

Project coordinator

Je ne sais pas où je vais, mais je suis en route.

Shawn Zannoni

Hong Kong

Shawn Zannoni

Project Manager

Change avant que tu n'y sois forcé.

Nos coachs

Vikas Baijal

New Delhi, Inde

Vikas Baijal

Senior Executive Coach

Happiness is a state of mind, a choice, a way of living; it is not something to be achieved, it is something to be experienced.

Michael Bertrand


Michael Bertrand

Senior Executive Coach

Le sens de la vie est juste d'être en vie. C'est si simple et si évident. Et pourtant, tout le monde se précipite dans une grande panique comme s'il était nécessaire d'atteindre quelque chose au-delà de soi.

Lionel Bikart

Tokyo, Japon

Lionel Bikart

Senior Executive Coach

There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.

Flore Cassin

Hong Kong

Flore Cassin

Senior Executive Coach

You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn how to surf.

Tze Meng Chin


Tze Meng Chin

Senior Executive Coach

Do. Or do not. There is no try.

Esther Chung

Hong Kong

Esther Chung

Senior Executive Coach

Terence Clarke

Shanghai, Chine

Terence Clarke

Senior Executive Coach

The effectiveness of a leader is best judged by the actions of those he guides.

Nelly Darmali


Nelly Darmali

Senior Executive Coach

Between the stimulus and response, there is a space. And in that space lies our freedom and power to choose our responses. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

June Davies

Londres, Royaume-Uni

June Davies

Senior Executive Coach

Chacune de vos actions est un pas vers la personne que vous souhaitez devenir.

Connie Fu

Pékin, Chine

Connie Fu

Senior Executive Coach

You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.

Christine Gao

Pékin / Shanghai, Chine

Christine Gao

Senior Executive Coach

Esmeralda Garcia

Shanghai, Chine

Esmeralda Garcia

Senior Executive Coach

Une équipe, ce n'est pas un groupe de personnes qui travaillent ensemble, c'est un groupe de personnes qui se font confiance.

Caroline Gasc

Auckland, Nouvelle-Zélande

Caroline Gasc

Executive Coach

Satoko Gibbs

Londres, Royaume-Uni / Tokyo, Japon

Satoko Gibbs

Senior Executive Coach

Pramod Gothi

Mumbai, Inde

Pramod Gothi

Senior Executive Coach

Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.

Sookgi Han

Seoul, Corée du Sud

Sookgi Han

Senior Executive Coach

Jeff Hasenfratz

Shanghai, Chine

Jeff Hasenfratz

Senior Executive Coach

… all models are wrong, but some are useful.

Subin Hong

Singapour / Paris, France

Subin Hong

Senior Executive Coach

Celui qui a un pourquoi, peut supporter n'importe quel comment.

Tina Huang

Taipei, Taiwan

Tina Huang

Allez vers le peuple. Vivez avec lui. Apprenez de lui. Aimez-le. Commencez avec ce qu'il sait. Construisez avec ce qu'il a. Mais avec les meilleurs dirigeants, une fois le travail accompli et la tâche réalisée, le peuple dira : "Nous l'avons fait nous-mêmes".

Ayin Jambulingam

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Ayin Jambulingam

Senior Executive Coach

Try to love the questions. Do not now seek the answers. Live the questions. Perhaps you will then gradually live into the answer.

Soojin Kim

Seoul, Corée du sud

Soojin Kim

Senior Executive Coach

The greatest gift you can give someone is the space to be their true self and to feel truly seen.

Allison Yong Hee Kim

Seoul, Corée du Sud

Allison Yong Hee Kim

Senior Executive Coach

Rather than asking ‘what do I want from life?’, ask ‘what does life want from me?’ - this is a far more powerful question.

Iris Kloth

Hong Kong

Iris Kloth

Senior Executive Coach

It’s okay to be brave and afraid at the same time.

Wendy Koh


Wendy Koh

Senior Executive Coach

Life's not a mere candle; it's a splendid torch I hold briefly, aiming to make it shine bright before passing it to future generations.

Takahiro Kurata

Tokyo, Japon

Takahiro Kurata

Senior Executive Coach

A genius cannot defeat someone who works hard. Someone who works hard cannot defeat someone who enjoys their work.

Felicia Lauw


Felicia Lauw

Senior Executive Coach

Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom.

Steve Lawrence

Hong Kong

Steve Lawrence

Senior Executive Coach

The path to success is to take massive, determined action.

Yorde Leelawejabootr

Nonthaburi, Thailande

Yorde Leelawejabootr

Senior Executive Coach

Know Thyself.

Michael Lim


Michael Lim

Senior Executive Coach

You cannot teach a  man anything; you can only help him find it within himself. 

Margot Ling

Hong Kong

Margot Ling

Senior Executive Coach

L'apprentissage commence par l'état d'esprit. Le succès commence par l'action.

Vincent Liu

Hong Kong

Vincent Liu

Senior Executive Coach

Change what you can. Accept what you cannot. Apply wisdom to differentiate which is which.

Veronica Lu

Shanghai, Chine

Veronica Lu

Senior Executive Coach

Karen Lum

Shanghai, Chine

Karen Lum

Senior Executive Coach

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel

Lucy Luo

Shanghai, Chine

Lucy Luo

Senior Executive Coach

Jaya Machet


Jaya Machet

Senior Executive Coach

Les histoires que nous nous racontons façonnent notre façon de voir et d'agir dans le monde.

Michael McCoy

Tokyo, Japon

Michael McCoy

Senior Executive Coach

Sam Mead

Syndney, Australie

Sam Mead

Senior Executive Coach

Hier, j'étais intelligent, alors je voulais changer le monde. Aujourd'hui, je suis sage, alors je me change moi-même.

Fidayanti Muljono

Jakarta, Indonesia

Fidayanti Muljono

Senior Executive Coach

Le but de la vie humaine est de servir, de faire preuve de compassion et de vouloir aider les autres.

Keiko Muramatsu

Tokyo, Japon

Keiko Muramatsu

Senior Executive Coach

Seul on va plus vite, ensemble on va plus loin.

Tan Nguyen

Melbourne, Australie / Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

Tan Nguyen

Senior Executive Coach

A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a simple step 

Alex Park

Seoul, Corée du Sud

Alex Park

Senior Executive Coach

Sabrina Park

Seoul, Corée du Sud

Sabrina Park

Senior Executive Coach

Treat the world positively, and the world will treat you positively.

Maria Pastorelli

Shanghai, Chine

Maria Pastorelli

Senior Executive Coach

Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better.

Yves-Pascal Pelcener


Yves-Pascal Pelcener

Senior Executive Coach

Steven Peng

Hong Kong

Steven Peng

Senior Executive Coach

Mathilde Poirieux

Hong Kong

Mathilde Poirieux

Senior Executive Coach

Roshnee Rajasingam

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysie

Roshnee Rajasingam

Senior Executive Coach

Begin at once to live and count each separate day as a separate life.

Lalita Raman

Hong Kong

Lalita Raman

Senior Executive Coach

Tous nos rêves peuvent devenir réalité, si nous avons le courage de les poursuivre...

Cecilia Schrijver

Manille, Philippines

Cecilia Schrijver

Senior Executive Coach

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

Daisy Sun

Shanghai, Chine

Daisy Sun

Senior Executive Coach

Have patience with things unresolved, love your questions and live everything. Someday, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.

Alison Tan-Mulligan

Shanghai, Chine

Alison Tan-Mulligan

Senior Executive Coach

Tomoko Tanaka

Tokyo, Japon

Tomoko Tanaka

Senior Executive Coach

You cultivate your own distinct qualities through the diverse experiences life brings.

Jean Satrijo Tanudjojo

Lyon & Paris, France / Jarkarta, Indonesie

Jean Satrijo Tanudjojo

Senior Executive Coach

Connie Tsui-Burchfield

Hong Kong

Connie Tsui-Burchfield

Senior Executive Coach & Facilitatrice

Karen Tweedie

Melbourne, Australie

Karen Tweedie

Senior Executive Coach

Arvy Villamarzo

Manille, Philippines

Arvy Villamarzo

Senior Executive Coach

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

Tony Wang

Shanghai, Chine

Tony Wang

Senior Executive Coach

Saying what you believe, do what you’re good at, and then following your heart, will lead you to your destination!

Jerome Welch

Kuala Lumpur, Malaisie

Jerome Welch

Senior Executive Coach

Leadership is about service to something bigger than oneself.

Chang Zhang


Chang Zhang

Senior Executive Coach

Your playing small does not serve the world.

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