Edouard de
La Moissonnière
Co-founder, Managing Partner, Senior Executive Coach
Paris, France
Coaching Experience
- Certified Master coach, Ecole de coaching de Paris (2011)
- Organizational strategy, Systemic approach
- Appreciative Inquiry, Gestalt
- Talents, TMP, Strengthscope, eGoChange, The Leadership Circle
Professional background
- International Business Development, PPR Group
- Management and organization consultant, Sophor, Quaternaire, Sustainable
- Financial auditor, Coopers & Lybrand (PwC)
- ESSEC Business School, MBA (1989)
- Science Po Paris, DEA (Master 2 Research) in Organizational Sociology with Michel Crozier (1991)
Personal commitments
- Former member of the board of EthiFinance
- Member of the board of a NGO
Latests insights
Edouard helps leaders and organizations connect to their purpose and resources and navigate the complexity of today’s ecosystems to strengthen their impact, both as individuals and organizations.
So many hands to transform this world and so few eyes to contemplate it!
Julien Gracq
Professional background
After 16 months’ military service as an officer in the French Navy, Edouard joined Coopers & Lybrand (now PwC) as a financial auditor. He then turned to management, organization and change management as a consultant for major groups. He also strengthened his experience within the Pinault-Printemps-Redoute group (now Kering), where he held various roles in international business development. Today, he is deploying his talents in his role as co-founder and co-managing partner of Turningpoint.
Throughout his career, Edouard has been driven by a genuine commitment to sustainable development and CSR and strives to ensure that this dimension permeates not only the support he provides to his clients, but also the development of Turningpoint.
Coaching expertise
While working as a consultant, Edouard sometimes felt powerless in supporting his clients, as his role didn’t allow him to work on their resistances, obstacles, relational difficulties or potential. In discussion with his entourage, he realized that coaching would enable him to accompany the development of leaders and their organizations in greater depth.
He draws on his business experience to create a bond with his coachees, since he himself has experienced the challenges and difficulties they face. Tapping into his knowledge of sociological and psychological approaches, Edouard has the skills and tools to help his coachees realize, in all their complexity, the issues at stake for leaders as individuals, their organizations and their relationships within ecosystems.
What we say about Edouard de La Moissonnière at Turningpoint
Edouard is a great listener and is always very present. Passionate about literature and history, he puts all his skills and experience at the service of the development of people and organizations, so that they can assume their responsibilities in an insightful and purposeful way.