Learning Business cases

Inspiring Leadership Through Coaching

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Obiettivi principali

Per un gruppo internazionale di lusso :
Ispirare i propri colleghi/interlocutori con un atteggiamento e capacità da leader-manager-coach.

La nostra proposta

Percorsi blended digitale e/o in presenza wordwide in gruppi di 12 persone, con momenti individuali e momenti di intelligenza collettiva (Codevelopment)

I risultati ?

Scoperta e connessioni forti tra peers, riscoperta delle proprie fonti di ispirazione e pratica immediata di atteggiamenti nuovi.


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To inspire you

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Gaining transformative systemic insight
Picto Transforming

Transforming Business cases

Gaining transformative systemic insight

The hands-on Turningpoint approach to Barry Oshry’s Organization Workshop

Tarkett develops their high potentials in collaboration with Turningpoint
Picto Learning

Learning Business cases

Tarkett develops their high potentials in collaboration with Turningpoint

Creating a leadership community to draw on to drive change.

The Alumni Celebration
Picto Learning

Learning Business cases

The Alumni Celebration

An impactful and memorable finale to a leadership development program.

Inspiring Women Leaders program
Picto Learning

Learning Business cases

Inspiring Women Leaders program

A program that encourages rich and diverse encounters, fostering a community of women beyond their…

Leadership immersion at Mont Saint Michel
Picto Transforming

Transforming Business cases

Leadership immersion at Mont Saint Michel

How a place steeped in history can create a setting for reflecting on the future.

See all insights and events


Leadership programs

Turningpoint co-creates customized journeys with each client to develop managers and stimulate more innovative, cooperative and responsible leadership, in order to increase business performance and the positive impact of teams.


"Contact us
and let’s see how we can help you."

Turningpoint specializes in executive individual and group leadership and coaching and development.

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