Principal, Senior Executive Coach
Paris, France
Coaching Experience
- Certified coach by Transformance Pro, Vincent Lenhardt (2012)
- Systemic approach by Jacques-Antoine Malarewicz, Gestalt Epoké
Professional background
- Director Public Service, Turningpoint
- High-level expert, French Ministry of Culture
- Head of General Inspection, CNFPT
- DGA City of Nantes and DGS Suresnes
Personal commitments
- Lecturer at Dauphine University, Management of Cultural Organizations Master, INSP and ENM
- Volunteer coach in an association
- Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres (2008)
Anne Fendt provides in-depth coaching to help individuals increase their self-awareness and gain in autonomy and independence. She helps them to rise to the challenge of serving the common good.
By going deep inside ourselves, we discover that we have exactly what we want.
Simone Weil
Professional background
Anne has in-depth knowledge of the challenges that executives in the public sector and their ecosystems face on a daily basis. A former senior civil servant, she managed the services of local authorities and public institutions, before piloting large-scale transformations within the French Ministry of Culture and Communication.
She has been a certified coach and program director since 2012, having come to appreciate the extent to which the human and relational dimension is a major factor in organizational performance. She works primarily with management teams and executives in the public and para-public sectors.
Coaching expertise
Anne is convinced that we all have the opportunity to experience a “better life” professionally. By focusing on self-knowledge and valuing individual strengths, she accompanies leaders in accepting their vulnerabilities and rediscovering their capacity for action, in complete confidence and authenticity. In her interventions, she focuses on the relational dynamics of the present moment in order to develop leaders’ impact, reinforce their confidence in themselves and in their collaborators, and make possible what previously seemed impossible.
After obtaining her certification in 2012, Anne trained successively in transactional analysis, systemics with J.A. Malarewicz (who supervised her from 2014 to 2022), appreciative inquiry and Gestalt with EPOKE. She is now supervised by J.P. Sauzède. She is Golden and TLP certified.
What we say about Anne Fendt at Turningpoint
Anne is characterized by her gentleness, serenity and benevolence, as well as her intrepid energy, her courage and her sparkling inquisitive nature.