Notre équipe au Royaume-Uni

Notre équipe projet

Lise Ta-Guillon

Londres, Royaume-Uni

Lise Ta-Guillon

Managing Director Turningpoint UK - Senior Executive Coach

Nous n'avons pas besoin de devenir des héros du jour au lendemain. Il suffit de faire un pas à la fois, ... en découvrant que nous avons la force de l'affronter.

Deborah Raffell

Oxford, Royaume-Uni

Deborah Raffell

Project Manager

Si vous faites toujours ce que vous avez toujours fait, vous obtiendrez toujours ce que vous avez toujours.

Nos coachs

June Davies

Londres, Royaume-Uni

June Davies

Senior Executive Coach

Chacune de vos actions est un pas vers la personne que vous souhaitez devenir.

Satoko Gibbs

Londres, Royaume-Uni / Tokyo, Japon

Satoko Gibbs

Senior Executive Coach

Amanda Hobbins

Londres/Oxford, Royaume-Uni

Amanda Hobbins

Senior Executive Coach

If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on it, I would spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask. 

Josephine Howard

Londres, Royaume-Uni

Josephine Howard

Senior Executive Coach

Sarah-Jane Lawrence

Londres, Royaume-Uni / Lisbonne, Portugal

Sarah-Jane Lawrence

Senior Executive Coach et Psychologue

In everything try to be excellent, then you leave no room for regrets.

Cornelia Lucey

Londres, Royaume-Uni

Cornelia Lucey

Senior Executive Coach, Psychologue Business

Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way.

Maddy Lucia-Grace

Londres, Royaume-Uni

Maddy Lucia-Grace

Senior Executive Coach

What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to what lies within us. And when you bring what lies within out into the world, miracles happen.

Anna Marriott

Londres, Royaume-Uni

Anna Marriott

Senior Executive Coach

Terri McNerney

Londres, Royaume-Uni

Terri McNerney

Senior Executive Coach

Dites-moi, que comptez-vous faire de votre seule et précieuse vie ?

John Nicholson

Londres, Royaume-Uni

John Nicholson

Senior Executive Coach

The unexamined life is not worth living

Tony Russell

Montpellier, France

Tony Russell

Senior Executive Coach

Plus de perspicacité…vers l’action.

Michael Savage

Londres, Angleterre

Michael Savage

Communication consultant and Performance Coach

Nous avons besoin de conteur d’histoire. Sinon la vie continue comme sans fin, comme le chiffre PI.

David Shaked

Londres, Royaume-Uni

David Shaked

Senior Executive Coach

If you want to motivate someone don't light a fire under them. You will only end up with burnt butt. Instead find the fire within them and fan it.

Darryl Stevens

London, UK

Darryl Stevens

Senior Executive Coach

One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself.

Aidan Tod

Londres, Royaume-Uni

Aidan Tod

Senior Executive Coach

On ne peut rien apprendre à un homme, on ne peut que l'aider à le découvrir en lui-même.

Elvin Turner

Londres, Royaume-Uni

Elvin Turner

Senior Executive Coach

Lynn Verdina-Henchoz

Genève, Suisse

Lynn Verdina-Henchoz

Senior Executive Coach

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