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Dealing with psychological safety – an opportunity for growth? 


Ana Loback interviewed by Coaching at Work Magazine for the “Troubleshooter” column. 

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Dealing with psychological safety – an opportunity for growth? 

Recently our Managing Partner of Turningpoint UK, Ana Loback, was interviewed for the esteemed Coaching at Work magazine to contribute to their column on business cases. Ana was interviewed by Senior Executive Turningpoint coach, Veronica Munro, who is a regular contributor to this magazine. The question regards “Sarah”, a young talented new leader in an international organization, who is facing issues with psychological safety and not feeling confident and heard in team meetings. 

Ana, using her expertise and experience as a Senior Executive Coach and Professor of Business Psychology, suggests 3 steps in order to help Sarah manage the situation and to come out more empowered on the other side: 

#1 Identifying the triggers she is experiencing and allowing the coach to be a thinking partner in this aspect 

#2 Helping her explore this turning point as an opportunity for personnal growth and potentially for the entire team 

#3 Helping her explore her personal power: what is truly within her control and what choices she can make in these challenging moments.  


To find out more about Coaching at Work magazine and this article, click here 


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