Juliana Ashley


Senior Executive Coach

Houston, USA

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Coaching Experience

  • ICF Credentialed PCC Coach
  • Faculty at Rice University’s CoachRICE
  • Leadership, Executive, Team Coaching
  • Leadership Development Consultant

Professional background

  • Attorney, Litigation
  • Television Reporter
  • Comedy Improvisation Performer


  • JD, Juris Doctor, St. Mary’s Law School
  • BA, Relations Internationaux, Trinity University

Personal commitments

  • Lead Advisor – JS101, Non-profit job search program
  • Mentor coach for coaches seeking ICF credential


  • Reporter, Houston Astros Pre-game show KNWS

Juliana is a Senior Executive Coach and master facilitator. She is a trusted advisor for leaders who want to expand their capacity to lead and more deeply connect with their people. Juliana is lead instructor of Rice University’s CoachRICE program (Houston,USA), an ICF accredited coach training program. She  works with Rice and other Universities to design and deliver leadership and coaching programs.

People will forget what you say, they’ll forget what you do, but they will never forget how you make them feel.

Maya Angelou

Professional background

A former litigation attorney, Juliana has over 20 years of experience in law, the corporate world and television reporting. Juliana spent many years learning and performing comedy improvisation. She combines her analytical and creative skills to provide dynamic facilitation and create sustainable change with her clients. Juliana has provided coaching and leadership development in a variety of industries including Energy, Healthcare and Academia. Her clients are often highly specialized  subject matter experts including MDs, PhDs and STEM field experts.

Coaching expertise

Juliana believes that every interaction with another person is an opportunity to make a connection and have a positive impact, and the depth of that impact is limitless. Coaching is a powerful modality for creating an open, safe space that allows people to share, reflect and generate insights and actions that propel them towards their desired outcomes. Juliana has studied numerous research-based fields related to coaching including change theory, adult development, psychology, emotional intelligence and others. She uses her wisdom and experience  to adapt her coaching to meet her clients’ needs. Clients have described coaching sessions with Juliana as « life changing conversations. » As a facilitator, Juliana transforms the energy in the room and creates a sense of belonging in a room full of strangers.

What we say about Juliana Ashley at Turningpoint

Juliana is masterful at creating a safe space for deep connection and transformative change. She uses humor, presence and wisdom to support her clients in taking steps towards their goals and unleashing their potential.

A (great) international coaching and transformation consultancy, committed to developing authentic, innovative and collaborative leadership in executives and entrepreneurs, their teams and organizations.


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