Ayin Jambulingam


Senior Executive Coach

Abu Dhabi, UAE

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Coaching Experience

  • Masters in Psychodynamic Organizational Consulting (2010)
  • Master NLP Practitioner, Language and Behavior Profile Coach
  • Behavioral Master Coach (2012)

Professional background

  • Head of Development Programs & Board Evaluations, Center for Governance, Riyadh
  • Director, Glia Leadership Consulting, Kuala Lumpur
  • Senior Manager, Morgan Stanley, New York
  • Senior Manager, PwC, New York


  • MA Psychoanalytic Approaches to Organizational Consulting, Tavistock Clinic
  • MBA, IMD International

Ayin believes that leadership and organizational design are critical to create a healthy environment. He therefore focuses his work to help clients ask the right questions to improve their leadership effectiveness and to become better stewards of their ecosystem.

Try to love the questions. Do not now seek the answers. Live the questions. Perhaps you will then gradually live into the answer.

Rainer Maria Rilke

Professional background

Ayin draws on more than two decades of corporate, government, entrepreneurial and academic experience. Most recently, he was Head of Development Programs and Board Evaluations at the Center for Governance in Riyadh, where he was responsible for development of board members and governance practitioners.  Prior to that, as a leadership and organizational development practitioner, Ayin led leadership and change management programs for international C-Suites and Boards in the corporate sector and top-tier business schools.  Previously, Ayin was a venture capital consultant in London and Geneva, and held senior audit roles at KPMG Dublin, PwC New York and Morgan Stanley New York.

Coaching expertise

Ayin’s coaching journey began in 2006, when he experienced the impact of depth coaching on leadership and personal development.  Following this, he delved into systems-psychodynamic approaches to executive  and organizational development.  He developed his craft by coaching at several top business schools since 2008, while integrating this practice into his venture capital role, before becoming a fulltime leadership coach and organizational consultant from 2012. Ayin strongly believes that organizations should be designed and led to create a positive effect on employees and stakeholders, rather than leaving them feeling depleted.  Consequently, leaders have a responsibility to steward their ecosystems. Therefore, he believes that the focus of leadership development should be to help leaders ask themselves and their organizations the right questions, to pause and deepen their self-awareness, and to then lead in a way that is generative for their ecosystem.

What we say about Ayin Jambulingam at Turningpoint

Ayin is easy-going and lighthearted in all his interactions.  He has a humanistic approach to life and work.  He is also a curious person by nature, and is dedicated to the pursuit of continuous learning and development. 

A (great) international coaching and transformation consultancy, committed to developing authentic, innovative and collaborative leadership in executives and entrepreneurs, their teams and organizations.


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