Senior Executive Coach
Paris / Nantes, France
Coaching Experience
- Certified coach from HEC executive coaching (2010)
- Certified MBTI, Profiles Talents
Professional background
- Group HR Manager IAdvize
- Microsoft HR Manager
- Head of Recruitment & Mobility France DELL
- Université Paris Dauphine
- PhD Organizational sociology
- ESCP Master Grande École
Personal commitments
- Coaching of non-profit leaders
- Co-author of « The Keys to Burnout: A Guide to Best Practices in the Workplace », Sept 2016, French edition BoD
Véronique specializes in helping executives to navigate challenging situations, empowering individuals to express their talents.
Gentleness is invincible.
Professional background
After 15 years in human resources, she chose to focus on relational performance in the workplace. She helps people get out of painful professional situations (burn out, overload, etc.) by reconnecting them to their strengths and aspirations. It equips managers with new relational skills, a new style of communication, motivation and management.
It combines sociological expertise (deciphering what is at stake for the protagonists of a situation, analyzing and explaining human behavior and identifying the issues and tensions created between people) with an awareness of body language, helping to (re)connect to one’s sensations/emotions.
Coaching expertise
Certified as an HEC coach in 2010, Véronique provides individual coaching for managers and executives, team coaching, 360° assessments and career reviews. At the same time, she creates and runs workshops on conflict management and difficult conversations, psycho-social risk prevention and quality of life at work. She has developed a specific approach to caring for people suffering from burnout and helping them return to work after a period of leave. She co-authored the book ” The Keys to Burnout: A Guide to Best Practices in the Workplace”.
What we say about Véronique Lepel-Cointet at Turningpoint
Véronique provides real support for individual and group coaching. She always manages to stimulate groups with an unstoppable gentleness.