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2024 “Rethinking Work” Award – Turningpoint in partnership with Sciences Po and Le Monde!

We are excited to announce the books selected for the final stage of the “Rethinking Work” Award ("Penser le Travail"). The winner will be announced on October 9, 2024.

2024 “Rethinking Work” Award – Turningpoint in partnership with Sciences Po and Le Monde!

Here is a quick summery of each of the 3 books:  

Les entreprises et l’égalité femmes-hommes, Dominique Meurs, Presses de Sciences Po, 2023: 

Dominique Meurs explores why gender equality in the workplace, although legally mandated, remains incomplete. Drawing on research conducted in collaboration with numerous companies, she analyzes gaps in salary and career advancement. She demonstrates that while various factors contribute to these inequalities, companies can play a key role by changing their organizational practices, thereby fostering a shift in mindset towards enhanced equality. 

Le Travail à vif, Thomas Périlleux, Eres, 2023: 

Sociologist and clinician Thomas Périlleux relies on his interactions with patients regarding work-related distress, exacerbated by organizational changes. Through real case studies, he explores professional pathologies like burnout, shame, contempt, insidious violence, and the silencing of voices, while questioning the appropriate therapeutic and social responses. The author advocates for a committed approach, combining psychological support and political reflection on work. 

 Manager la religion au travail, Lionel Honoré, Dunod, 2023: 

Lionel Honoré’s book addresses the challenges of managing religious practices in the workplace, balancing the need to respect diversity while maintaining professional neutrality. He offers solutions to reconcile individual rights, legal obligations, and organizational requirements. The book provides practical tools to help managers handle these situations effectively, avoiding discrimination and conflict. 

A special thanks to the jury who have done remarkable work in selecting these books! 


This year’s jury:  



And the four founding jury members:  


Stay tuned for more updates! 


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