Transforming News
Integral Leadership Review
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The purpose of this paper is to explore – from an integral perspective – what it means and what it takes to transcend and include individual leadership in moving toward evolutionary co-leadership, as well as the triple impact it can have – at the individual, group, and societal levels.
There are profound shifts occurring across all sectors of societ y that have many leadership implications about what can be learned from the evolutionary perspective. These considerations lead to reflect upon on how evolutionary co-leadership will best meet the need to develop large numbers of integral leaders in all sectors of society – and to examine what subjective, inter-subjective, and objective shifts are needed in making such a move. In conclusion, several initiatives are explored that could contribute to deepening, nurturing, and expanding this evolving concept and practice of leadership – in order to deal with what Barbara Marx Hubbard[1] calls the current “birthing pains” of an emerging civilization. This article is intended for agents of transformation in organizations from all sectors, as well as researchers and educators – particularly those who want to deepen their understanding of the “evolutionary call” and are experiencing the limits of focusing mainly on individual leadership development.
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Turningpoint’s approach to transformation is based on the systemic, appreciative and narrative methods of resource-oriented collective intelligence, as opposed to the more traditional corrective approach. These approaches and tools can be deployed for teams and large groups.
Turningpoint specializes in executive individual and group leadership and coaching and development.