Inspiring News
How many change strategies have remained unfinished, unimplemented or shelved by leaders? How many hours of work to diagnose a situation have gone to waste, as the desired transformation never materializes?
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Experts say that only 30% of transformations are a success! So why so much effort, so many hours spent on such a low result?
Faced with the failure of a change, we often question the relevance of the strategy used without paying attention to how it was implemented on the ground. Yet our intervention habits, based on ancestral tools and beliefs, can also lead to dead ends. Take the example of a tool often used to support the construction of a strategy: the SWOT analysis. What if SWOT and the way we use it was in fact to blame?
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Through the eyes of Turningpoint coaches...
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For the past two years, we have been working with Ashoka, the world's leading network of…
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From network to community: reimagining collaboration
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A one-of-a-kind career journey: from professional dancer to Senior Project Manager at Turningpoint
Inspiring News
Turningpoint: wishes that whisper in your ears.
Turningpoint creates enriching encounters to enable teams and communities to project themselves into future challenges. By confronting their views, these exchanges allow them to let themselves be inspired and reinvent their view of the world.
Turningpoint specializes in executive individual and group leadership and coaching and development.