Coaching News

Arrival of Anne Fendt, Turningpoint Director

Anne Fendt, a Turningpoint coach since 2014, joins the Paris Office as Director of Public Service Accounts.

Arrival of Anne Fendt, Turningpoint Director

With over 30 years in civil service, Anne brings depth and expertise to Turningpoint’s work with organizations such as SGMAP and ENA. She also is in charge of developing new public sector accounts, most recently including La Cour des Comptes and La Caisse des Dépots.


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Meet Sophie, Senior Executive Coach at Turningpoint

Inspiring News

Meet Sophie, Senior Executive Coach at Turningpoint

How work tools impact leaders’ vulnerability?

Learning News

How work tools impact leaders’ vulnerability?

Research by Turningpoint-sponsored doctoral student at EMLyon, Charles Revue.

PODCAST #8: My body, a trusted ally

Learning News

PODCAST #8: My body, a trusted ally

Deepening self and
interpersonal connection.

Turningpoint is committed to the common good!

Transforming News

Turningpoint is committed to the common good!

Inspiring testimonials from two non-profit leaders: Virginie Salmen, Co-Founder and Director of…

PODCAST #7:  Cultural intelligence

Inspiring News

PODCAST #7: Cultural intelligence

How to collaborate successfully across borders.

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Executive leadership coaching

With over 6,000 executive coaching sessions and 500 team coaching sessions since 2008, Turningpoint is internationally recognized for the excellence of its coaches, methods and philosophy of individual and team coaching.


"Contact us
and let’s see how we can help you."

Turningpoint specializes in executive individual and group leadership and coaching and development.

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