Transforming Event

Change your mindset with Appreciative Inquiry

Certification training

Change your mindset with Appreciative Inquiry


Monday, October 12, 2020

3 days

Paris and Londres

French and English

Get in touch


Monday, October 12, 2020

3 days

Paris and Londres

French and English

Get in touch

Experiment and practice, with real life examples, another way of approaching complexity in a volatile world. This course will allow you to connect with peers from various sectors facing similar challenges. You will work both on your own leadership posture and on your ability to lead sustainable changes in your organization.


  1. Day 1 : Be a leader of appreciative change
  2. Day 2 : Live an appreciative experience on a subject chosen by the participants
  3. Day 3 : Learn the Fundamental Principles of Strength-based Leadership


Training Follow-up :


Following the training, you will be able to implement this new approach and acquired tools immediately as part of your daily activity!

This experiential training is intended for coaches, facilitators, consultants and leaders in organizations (HRD, Change leaders, Managers …)



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Transformational Leadership

Turningpoint’s approach to transformation is based on the systemic, appreciative and narrative methods of resource-oriented collective intelligence, as opposed to the more traditional corrective approach. These approaches and tools can be deployed for teams and large groups.


"Contact us
and let’s see how we can help you."

Turningpoint specializes in executive individual and group leadership and coaching and development.

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