Senior Executive Coach
Venice, Italy
Coaching Experience
- Certified coach by ICF (2004)
- Georgetown University, Leadership Coaching
- George Washington University, Organizational Science
Personal commitments
- Values 20 (V20) Founding member and Co-chair in italy in 2021
Marisa supports leaders who want to drive transformational change in their organizations. She helps executives, managers and teams unleash their potential by guiding them through ambiguity and implementing transformation programs.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead
Professional background
For 10 years, Marisa was a partner at Accompli, a consulting firm in the USA, providing strategic support to leaders of organizations engaged in large-scale transformations and skillfully implemented these changes. She helped leaders realize that achieving their transformation goals depends on the mindset, values, behaviors and actions of every employee. Marisa is an adjunct professor on CUOA’s MBA faculty, teaching change, leadership, teamwork and coaching (CUOA – Centro Universitario di Organizzazione Aziendale, Altavilla Vicentina, Italy).
Coaching expertise
Marisa’s work is dedicated to the practical realization of human potential. Her coaching style nurtures her coachees’ self-esteem in situations of great uncertainty, to compensate for their lack of confidence Her experience has taught her that it is key to draw on each individuals potential to powerfully redirect the energy of an entire organization towards the execution of change: articulating objectives in a way that others can in turn share – generating commitment among even the most reluctant.
What we say about Marisa Faccio at Turningpoint
Marisa is a visionary, a sunny and committed person, with an accomplished career path. She believes that a better future can be built with the commitment of each and every one of us.