Senior Executive Coach
Shanghai, China
Coaching Experience
- Certified Integral Coach by New Ventures West
- Certified Organization and Relationship Systems Coach (CRR Global)
- Qualified Coaching Supervisor (Coaching Supervision Academy)
- ICF PCC certification
Professional background
- VP, Business Development, I-Quest, Hong Kong
- Executive Director, Russell Reynolds Associates, Hong Kong
- Marketing Manager, Hewlett Packard, Hong Kong
- Intl. Mktg. Associate, CBIS, USA, Japan, China
- Juris Doctor, University of Cincinnati College of Law
- Bachelor of Arts, The Ohio State University
Personal commitments
- Vice President, Rotary Club of Shanghai
- Steering Committee, Shanghai Coaching Circle
- Co-editor of and chapter contributor to the book “Leadership Coaching in China”, Fielding University Press 2021
Jeff, a Chinese-speaking executive team coach, has been coaching senior business leaders for the last 20 of his 30 years in Asia. He particularly enjoys helping teams transform interpersonal challenges into stronger collaboration, with subsequent improvements in performance and effectiveness.
… all models are wrong, but some are useful.
George E. P. Box
Professional background
Before transitioning into coaching, Jeff had an extensive career in various corporate environments. He spent 15 years working in the technology and human capital consulting industries. During this time, he held business development positions with companies such as Hewlett Packard Asia/Pacific, Cincinnati Bell Information Systems Intl., and Russell Reynolds Associates. His work took him to different locations, including Tokyo and Hong Kong.
Coaching expertise
Jeff embarked on his coaching journey driven by a profound interest in aiding others in their pursuit of improvement in areas that matter to them. His coaching style is direct yet courteous (often humorous!), supported by strong interpersonal and cross-cultural skills. Jeff’s clients are typically CEOs, Managing Directors, Senior Partners, and their teams, who ask him to support them in the areas of leadership development, team communication and collaboration, cross-cultural competence, and balancing the needs of headquarters and local operations.
What we say about Jeff Hasenfratz at Turningpoint
Jeff is a deeply-reflective person, perhaps due, in part, to many years of taichi practice. He is also service-oriented and tolerant, as suggested by his work as a volunteer and internal counselor with a Shanghai mental health hotline.