Bridget Farrands is an international consultant, coach, writer and teacher. Much of her work centres around themes of transition and identity: she works with individual leaders and their teams who are pioneers in building distinctive workplaces where people can thrive and realise their potential. She works with a wide range of organisations, from banks to brands to government – in Europe, South Africa and the USA. After an early career in investment and retail banking as well as manufacturing, she has worked as a consultant for over 20 years.
Her interest in how senior leaders can ensure successful role transitions, led her to research and co-author the book Leadership Transitions (Kogan Page 2012). Most transitions confront leaders with the need to improvise and adapt in response to the personal and organisational challenges demanded by the role: whilst easy to identify, such changes are harder to effect and Bridget’s work offers practical advice and frameworks to enable leaders to navigate these changes.
As a co-founder of The Turningpoint, Bridget now runs her own consultancy based in Oxford, England and actively partners with Turningpoint in Paris on projects of shared interest.