Inspiring News
We have between 60 and 80,000 thoughts a day and 80% of those are negative, 95% are repetitive.
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“Of course it’s necessary to establish what works and what doesn’t work, or what needs to improve. However, the “negative bias” of our brain pushes us to look at the negative first. In fact, we tend to focus primarily – sometimes exclusively – on negative events in our life rather than positive events. We have between 60 and 80,000 thoughts a day and 80% of those are negative, 95% are repetitive. This review is therefore based on these implicit habits. And if we are not careful, the conversation will be conducted in a way that corrects rather than amplifies. What we focus on tends to grow. This doesn’t mean ignoring the “red” elements: you will see in the following pages that there is a more effective way of treating non-performance.”
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Turningpoint creates enriching encounters to enable teams and communities to project themselves into future challenges. By confronting their views, these exchanges allow them to let themselves be inspired and reinvent their view of the world.
Turningpoint specializes in executive individual and group leadership and coaching and development.