Sean Collins

Sean Collins

Senior Executive Coach

New York, Etats-Unis

Prendre contact

Sean is an experienced organization development practitioner and executive coach. He has worked for twenty years in coaching and leadership development, consulting with businesses in the airline, medical, educational, government, and corporate sectors.

His focus with executives and emerging leaders is how they can maximize leadership impact and influence to enhance business performance, namely how to lead upward, to inspire followership, and to develop capacity from within. Sean helps leaders see the link between leadership decision-making and their impact throughout organizations.

Sean is a practitioner-scholar, working with U.S. organizations and companies based in Asia, Africa, and Europe. He holds a Doctorate in Leadership and Policy Studies from the University of Vermont, as well as a Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology from Northeastern University. He has done additional professional work and certification through Korn-Ferry International, Human Capital Institute, Teleos Leadership Institute, Gestalt International Study Center, and has ICF PCC-level certification pending review.

Un (incroyable) cabinet international de coaching et de conseil en transformation, engagé pour développer un leadership authentique, innovant et collaboratif chez les dirigeants et les entrepreneurs, les équipes et les organisations.


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