Learning Cas clients

Prepare future leaders to lead in the « New World »

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Key objectives

For the UK-based Fashion Division of an International Luxury Group: Prepare the future leaders and high potentials for leading tomorrow in the "new world", as well as unlock their potential and ambition. The fashion division of a large luxury group asked us to design a program going beyond technical skills and to support the development of core interpersonal skills and attributes required to navigate today’s context of change, uncertainty and ambiguity.

Head of Talent Development, international luxury group, fashion division

Étude de cas

This created an opportunity to step back and reflect on themselves and explore some of the keys they need to develop today in order to be prepared for the leadership of tomorrow.

Our proposal

Preparing leaders for the changing world of work with a focus on soft skills. The program consisted of 2 webinars including keynotes, sub-group work and learning journals for maximised output. The aim of the programme is to develop: Emotional Intelligence (self-awareness, self-management and self-regulation) Resilience and Agility (developing and sustaining productive habits) Strengths-based leadership (optimizing strengths and performance) Creativity (building innovation and learning environments)

The outcome?

The observable outcome for the participants includes:
  • Equipping managers to lead through uncertainty
  • Managers developing self-awareness (how do others perceive you, how do you perceive yourself and where’s the disconnect?)
  • Managers recognising how to inspire and empower teams, as well as cultivating buy-in and alignment with peers


high potentials and senior talent participated


month - the duration of the program


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Leadership programs

Turningpoint co-construit avec chaque client des parcours sur-mesure pour former au management et stimuler un leadership plus innovant, coopératif et responsable, afin d’accroître la performance économique et l’impact positif des équipes.


Contactez-nous et parlons ensemble de votre accompagnement.

Turningpoint est spécialisé dans le leadership et l’accompagnement de dirigeants, individuel et collectif.

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