van Remoortel
Senior Executive Coach
Anvers, Belgique
Expérience coach
- Co-Active coach (CTI)
- Team Performance Coach (TCI)
- Organizational and relationship Systems Coach (ORSC)
- Senior Systemic Leadership System Coach
Parcours professionnel
- FMCG leadership positions in marketing, sales, locally and globally in HQs across EU
- Unilever, Henkel, Reckitt-Benckiser, Numico (Danone)
Diplômes académiques
- Master Commercial Engineer (LUC Belgium)
As an international executive and leadership team coach Patrick thrives on ‘team-cubating’ leadership. With his systemic perspective and his contagiously connecting energy he embeds leadership as a collective team endeavour.
Coming together is a beginning.
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success !
Peter Hawkins
Parcours professionnel
For about 20 years Patrick was working as an executive in several marketing and commercial positions with the highly competitive FMCG world. During the 2nd half of his corporate career, he was mainly in charge of international business development and innovation, working out of 3 HQs and from 5 EU countries.
Expertise coach
Roughly about 15 years ago Patrick seized the opportunity to leave his 20 years of corporate world behind. With a desire to make a stronger impact, he re-entered the familiar corporate arena as an executive and team coach with a mission to evolve the culture of leadership from IQ and EQ towards WE-Q. His training and practice gradually moved beyond building stronger leaders as to include the critical relationships between them. He likes to say that he ‘team-cubates’ leadership as a collective and contagious team endeavour.
Patrick also cross-fertilises leadership experience of the private sector with that within the European Institutions as one of their accredited senior coaches. He believes that both worlds can be an inspiration for one another and therefore builds bridges wherever he can.
Ce que l'on dit de Patrick van Remoortel chez Turningpoint
Patrick radiates an abundance of connecting energy that allows individuals, teams and groups to instantly feel at ease, to be drawn into their personal and collective leadership journeys and to fearlessly open op in the safety and the lightness which he always brings to the process. Together with his authenticity and depth he seems to connect with all of kind of stakeholders“