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PODCAST #7: Cultural intelligence

Par Margot Ling

How to collaborate successfully across borders.

PODCAST #7:  Cultural intelligence

Discover the invaluable insights of Margot Ling, Senior Executive Turningpoint coach. Distilled from her 20+ years of professional experience, she explains in this podcast how she successfully forged multi-cultural relationships while working for major corporations such as Twitter, Dolby, Fox and Edipresse.

Drawing from her wealth of experience, Margot candidly shares personal stories illustrating how she effectively navigated and conquered cultural challenges. She presents her proven framework for addressing such challenges, anchored in the 4 criteria developed by The Cultural Intelligence Center: CQ Drive, CQ Knowledge, CQ Strategy, and CQ Action.

Don’t miss the end, where Margot divulges some bonus tips, offering insights that have contributed to numerous successful intercultural partnerships.

Margot Ling is a Turningpoint coach since 2020 and an expert in growth mindset and intercultural communication. Native to Hong Kong, Margot is trilingual and has pioneered cross-media content initiatives with international teams and stakeholders for over two decades.

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