Alfredo Castro


Senior Executive Coach

Miami, USA / Lisbonne, Portugal

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Expérience coach

  • Certified coach since by ATD, Association for Talent Development (1998)
  • Certified executive mentoring and Board Director coach

Parcours professionnel

  • KPMG senior director
  • MOT CEO and board member
  • Click Institute board member
  • Executive Consultant, Portugal and Brazil

Diplômes académiques

  • Masters in Administration, MBA in Finance, Civil Engineering, FIA Business School

Autres engagements

  • Steering Committee member of ATD Global USA
  • Author of business books on leadership, coaching and storytelling

Médias & publications

  • Research and articles on leadership and storytelling; Senior Executive Programs faculty (English, Portuguese, and Spanish)

A life-long learner Alfredo Castro is a professor, mentor, facilitator, coach, writer, consultant and speaker. He believes that maturity comes when we are able to identify strengths and vulnerabilities. 

Education is the most powerful resource which you can use to change the world.

Nelson Mandela

Parcours professionnel

With a fast-rising career from consultant to international partner-director over 17 prosperous years, the year 1995 marked a pivotal shift for Alfredo. Transitioning from the corporate realm, he embarked on a new chapter as a consultant, coach, and mentor, spearheading MOT Training and Development.

Immersing himself in the academic sphere, he became an esteemed faculty member at FIA Business School, where he dedicated over two decades to shaping the minds of students hailing from both Brazilian and European backgrounds. His nomadic journey took him across the continents, residing in North and South Americas as well as Europe.

Expertise coach

His global footprint as a coach and consultant spans over 120 companies across 25 countries, encompassing Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas. Each chapter of his professional narrative is a testament to a life richly lived and an unwavering commitment to the pursuit of knowledge and excellence.

Alfredo believes dialogue can awaken deep reflections and allow people to grow and change and discover strengths and vulnerabilities. Recognized by the T&D international community as one of the top professionals in the global industry, he is a leader in pioneering new models of learning and performance and people development at the workplace, generating improvement of the business results in global companies.

Ce que l'on dit de Alfredo Castro chez Turningpoint

Simplicity, curiosity and resilience: Alfredo seeks to influence others towards a better world, listening, learning and sharing stories.

Un (incroyable) cabinet international de coaching et de conseil en transformation, engagé pour développer un leadership authentique, innovant et collaboratif chez les dirigeants et les entrepreneurs, les équipes et les organisations.


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