Learning Actualités
New research collaboration between Turningpoint, Sciences Po Paris and the University of Toronto!
Today, through numerous polls and surveys, we observe a decline in cooperation at all levels within organizations. This issue has been strongly accentuated since Covid-19 and the increased digitalization in our daily work lives. Through our work as coaches, we witness direct consequences such as distress, isolation, demotivation, heavier workload…
To help tackle some of these issues, Turningpoint is supporting a new research collaboration with the University of Toronto and Sciences Po, which is focusing on how leadership can be effectively practiced to enhance cooperation within organizations, enabling them to achieve, and even surpass, their objectives.
The findings of this research titled: “Representations of leadership in contemporary organizations: Practical implications”, will provide us with fresh insights into leadership development, allowing us to formulate new methods and approaches to prepare leaders for the challenges of today’s workplace.
The objectives of the research are threefold:
Turningpoint is thrilled to support this significant research endeavor, led by Professor Jean-Louis Denis, Université de Toronto and Henri Bergeron, Director of Research at the CNRS / SciencesPo and head of the Chair for Transformation of Organizations and Work. The results will be published in the form of a comprehensive literary review later this year.
Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting research collaboration!
Transforming Actualités
Transforming Actualités
A travers le regard des coachs Turningpoint...
Transforming Actualités
Depuis deux ans, nous collaborons avec Ashoka, le premier réseau mondial d’acteurs du changement,…
Inspiring Actualités
Du réseau à la communauté : réinventer la collaboration
Inspiring Actualités
Un parcours atypique, de danseur professionnel à Senior Project Manager chez Turningpoint.
Turningpoint co-construit avec chaque client des parcours sur-mesure pour former au management et stimuler un leadership plus innovant, coopératif et responsable, afin d’accroître la performance économique et l’impact positif des équipes.
Turningpoint est spécialisé dans le leadership et l’accompagnement de dirigeants, individuel et collectif.