Maria Pastorelli


Senior Executive Coach

Shanghai, Chine

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Expérience coach

  • ICF ACC coach
  • Certified Systemic Team Coach

Parcours professionnel

  • O.D. Associate / Project Manager, Shi Bisset & Associates, Shanghai
  • Senior Content Specialist, Celemi – Making Change Happen, Shanghai
  • Chief Content Curator, Where the Great Go, Shanghai

Diplômes académiques

  • BA Cross-cultural Communications, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy

Autres engagements

  • Founder of Global Women Entrepreneurs Network, Shanghai
  • MentorkWalk Mentor

Maria is an Executive Coach and leadership facilitator based in China since 2011, specializing in coaching international leaders and teams to enhance collaboration across APAC and Europe.

Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better.

Maya Angelou

Parcours professionnel

After finishing her studies at Fudan University, Maria started working in a Shanghai Organizational Development consulting company, Shi Bisset and Associates, where she worked closely with the founder, Shi Bisset on developing and delivering leadership programs for middle and senior managers and cross-cultural training for multinational C-suite executives.

A career in consulting with a variety of Chinese, European, and APAC-based clients provided Maria a unique perspective on the challenges that many leaders face in multinational organizations, allowing her to explore how to best improve performance while leading a global multicultural team.

Expertise coach

By tapping into her strong background in cross-cultural communications and with personal international experience, Maria  supports clients through professional and personal transitions from a place of self-awareness and strength. Her coaching style is engaging, supportive and gently challenging, creating a true partnership that moves people forward.

Her coaching journey started from a need for self-discovery that led to uncovering untapped potential in herself and her clients. She strives to coach leaders through bumps in the road, with the ultimate goal of helping them until they don’t need her anymore.

Ce que l'on dit de Maria Pastorelli chez Turningpoint

Maria enjoys reading and is passionate about books, movies and ensuring people around her are happy. Determined and ambitious, she looks forward to one day run a marathon!

Un (incroyable) cabinet international de coaching et de conseil en transformation, engagé pour développer un leadership authentique, innovant et collaboratif chez les dirigeants et les entrepreneurs, les équipes et les organisations.


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