Olivier Berthelot


Senior Executive Coach

Paris, France

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Expérience coach

  • Certified coach from Paris Pantheon-Assas (2016)
  • Specialized in Systemic Approach

Parcours professionnel

  • VP HR, Identity & Biometric Solutions BU, Gemalto
  • VP HR, EMEA, Gemalto

Diplômes académiques

  • Business School ESSCA, France
  • BA in Business Administration, Bristol ,UK

Autres engagements

  • Volunteer Coaching for non-profit organizations

Olivier is an executive and team coach. He bases his practice on a 20-year+ experience in international groups, mainly as Human Resources Executive.

Votre vision deviendra claire seulement lorsque vous regarderez dans votre cœur. Celui qui regarde à l'extérieur rêve; celui qui regarde à l'intérieur s'éveille.

Karl Jung

Parcours professionnel

Olivier started his career at Atos, then moved to Schlumberger, where he held several sales and marketing positions. Since 2002, he has worked in human resources functions, including 10 years in VP positions across various business units. He has been based in France, the Czech Republic, and Finland. With a keen familiarity with business realities, Olivier has developed a deep understanding of intercultural aspects throughout his career. He has also been involved in numerous integration projects for acquired companies, allowing him to build a solid background in change management.

Expertise coach

His firm belief is that each leader possesses talents that can be further developed to enhance performance and well-being. By exploring their areas of strength and addressing current limitations, a leader can optimize both personal skills and the quality of interactions. Olivier delivers a pragmatic and holistic coaching approach, utilizing powerful questioning and a systemic approach.

Ce que l'on dit de Olivier Berthelot chez Turningpoint

Olivier is curious and open-minded; he enjoys adapting to various coaching situations and demands. What matters most to him is the personal development journey that the individual will undertake during the coaching program and the positive changes they will implement.

Un (incroyable) cabinet international de coaching et de conseil en transformation, engagé pour développer un leadership authentique, innovant et collaboratif chez les dirigeants et les entrepreneurs, les équipes et les organisations.


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